Techno news

[Open Source] le mini joystick USB

[Open Source] le mini joystick USB

Découvrez ici comment réaliser votre mini joystick USB grâce au projet en accès libre publié par Jacek Fedorynski. Jacek Fedoryński  -  jfedor2 (Jacek Fedoryński) · GitHub Le travail de Jacek permet...

[Open Source] le mini joystick USB

Découvrez ici comment réaliser votre mini joystick USB grâce au projet en accès libre publié par Jacek Fedorynski. Jacek Fedoryński  -  jfedor2 (Jacek Fedoryński) · GitHub Le travail de Jacek permet...

Remote Play sur PS5 : notre guide

Remote Play on PS5: our guide

Since the tightening of Sony's policy on the use of unofficial peripherals or converters (custom controllers, Cronus, Brook Converter etc.) it has become very difficult to use adapted devices such...

Remote Play on PS5: our guide

Since the tightening of Sony's policy on the use of unofficial peripherals or converters (custom controllers, Cronus, Brook Converter etc.) it has become very difficult to use adapted devices such...

Quadstick : la compatibilité sur les différentes consoles

Quadstick: compatibility on different consoles

The Quadstick can be used both on PC (in controller or mouse mode) and on PS4. But it is possible to use adapters to play on all consoles. Here you...

Quadstick: compatibility on different consoles

The Quadstick can be used both on PC (in controller or mouse mode) and on PS4. But it is possible to use adapters to play on all consoles. Here you...

Quadstick : Programmer et utiliser plusieurs configurations

Quadstick: Program and use multiple configurations

PART 1: How to Create a New Configuration File PART 2: Select a configuration to play PART 1: How to create a new configuration file and save it to the...

Quadstick: Program and use multiple configurations

PART 1: How to Create a New Configuration File PART 2: Select a configuration to play PART 1: How to create a new configuration file and save it to the...

Xbox Adaptive Controller : comment l'utiliser

Xbox Adaptive Controller: how to use it

The Xbox adaptive controller, released in 2018 by Microsoft, allows you to control an Xbox (Xbox One or Series S and X models) or a PC by connecting external switches...

Xbox Adaptive Controller: how to use it

The Xbox adaptive controller, released in 2018 by Microsoft, allows you to control an Xbox (Xbox One or Series S and X models) or a PC by connecting external switches...

La manette Playstation 5 Sony Access : Nos tests.

The Sony Access Playstation 5 controller: Our t...

First technical tests on the Sony Access controller for Playstation 5. First of all, it is a real controller, complete and playable without any other accessories. This is a very...

The Sony Access Playstation 5 controller: Our t...

First technical tests on the Sony Access controller for Playstation 5. First of all, it is a real controller, complete and playable without any other accessories. This is a very...