Double stick aviator 2xUSB + 8 clicks
Double stick aviator 2xUSB + 8 clicks
Perfect for flight simulators or one-handed FPS gaming.
for use on Xbox Adaptive Controller or Nintendo Flex Controller .
Analog type joystick with aviation type grip - High precision analog based on the UltraStick 360 model
The UltraStik 360 is the most advanced arcade joystick ever made.
It is based around a real analog “engine” using advanced sensing technology that uses no contacts or switches.
Connects directly via USB.
USB Plug and Play interface
+ USB thumbstick
+ 6 additional clicks in front of the handle (ideal for playing many games with one hand)
+ 2 clicks back
Comes with 2 USB sockets (left/right stick) and 8 jack cables for clicks.
case dimensions: 130 x 108 x 73 mm (white)
or 122 x 120 x 55 mm (black) depending on available stocks
Compatible Microsoft Xbox Adaptive Controller and Nintendo Flex Controller not included.