PS5 arcade box
PS5 arcade box
Hitclic made a 100% PS5 compatible controller (USB and wireless connection) well suited to gamers who have lost fine motor skills in their fingers.
The original PS5 Dualsense controller is attached to the case and all the switches are located on the top of the case to make them accessible with your hands or fists.
Arcade buttons: directional pad, 4 rear triggers L1 L2 R1 R2, 4 game buttons Cross Round Triangle Square, On/Off, Option. (30mm arcade buttons)
The joysticks remain accessible on the controller on the front of the case.
Optional : 4 permanent click switches for the 4 triggers L1 L2 R1 R2.
Optional : 3.5 jack sockets on the back of the box to connect your switches to the functions of your choice (Cross Round Triangle Square L1 L2 R1 R2)
Optional : ergonomically shaped handles of your choice on the joysticks
Please note : the price corresponds to the huge working time required to carry out this adaptation. A brand new PS5 controller is provided, it is fixed to the case in order to plug inside all the buttons. You cannot detach the controller from the case.
You can request to change the configuration of this controller if necessary. Do not hesitate to contact us in order to offer you the best solution.